Well, anyone who knows Madelyn all ready knows how much she loves clothes and shoes, which I tell Clint will be expensive for us as she gets older! Tonight she climbed onto a kitchen chair while I was feeding Aubrey and said "I like sitting with you, Mommy" I told her the same and said I like to talk about girl stuff. And she said "Yeah, me too" So I told her I like girl clothes and she said "I like diamonds!!" What????
Oh, and a few weeks ago right when Clint woke up, Madelyn noticed that he sleeps in his boxers. She patted his leg very gently and said as seriously as possible, "You sleep in your bloomers Daddy?"
She's definitely all girl!
Family picture 2015

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Well, Aubrey went to the doctor today because she has ANOTHER ear infection! That makes4, ladies and gentlemen!! So we go back in 2 weeks to make sure it's cleared up and talk about tubes.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Princess Madelyn
Ok, so I just went in to check on the girls before I go to sleep. Madelyn was sleeping soundly, and I thought "Oh, look her legs are crossed!" Then I realized that she has shoes on!! We bought her some new shoes for church and she loves them. Apparently she got up and put them on so she could wear them to sleep. PRECIOUS!!
Weekend wrapup
Well, we had a pretty uneventful weekend. I came home from work Friday to find Madelyn lying quietly on the couch, so I immediately took her temperature - 103.6. That continued all night and so I took her to the doctor Saturday morning. She has a sinus infection, and the dr. suspected strept, although she didn't swab her for it. So yesterday we stayed at home all day and did nothing. I was able to get some much needed house cleaning done, and pulled my long sleeved clothes down from the attic.
I've been visiting a new church lately. Although we love Highland Heights, and they have done so much for our family, I really feel that God is trying to lead me to another church home that has a more active children's program for the girls. So I've been going to Trinity Baptist church for about a month and really love it. This morning Madelyn seemed to be fine and had no fever, so we all (Clint included) went to the 11:00 service. After church we were invited to a gathering at a church member's home for lunch and to visit with other new members as well as visitors and some staff of the church. We had a really good time and Clint seemed to enjoy the church. We're still praying that God will let up know where he's leading us.
Here are some pictures before church...

I've been visiting a new church lately. Although we love Highland Heights, and they have done so much for our family, I really feel that God is trying to lead me to another church home that has a more active children's program for the girls. So I've been going to Trinity Baptist church for about a month and really love it. This morning Madelyn seemed to be fine and had no fever, so we all (Clint included) went to the 11:00 service. After church we were invited to a gathering at a church member's home for lunch and to visit with other new members as well as visitors and some staff of the church. We had a really good time and Clint seemed to enjoy the church. We're still praying that God will let up know where he's leading us.
Here are some pictures before church...
Monday, October 20, 2008
I FINALLY got professional pictures of the girls done and I LOVE them!
Go to http://www.smilesbywire.com
Customer Name: Summer Buchanan
Access Code: LTPP0705101076JCP
You can view them all.
Go to http://www.smilesbywire.com
Customer Name: Summer Buchanan
Access Code: LTPP0705101076JCP
You can view them all.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Ok, so when I said pictures were coming soon, I guess I meant a week or so later. Things have been so unbelievably crazy around our house I haven't had much time to think, let alone blog. First, I'll apologize for not having any pictures of Madelyn to post. She is so nonstop at the moment that I've decided it's impossible to get her picture. Every time I try, it's the back of her head or something.
Here's Aubrey this morning in her jammies, which I love!! As you can see, she's sitting up really well. She still is a good eater and so far enjoys sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, potatoes, corn, green beans, avocado, broccoli, bananas and, as any good Buchanan, she loves bean dip! The only thing she's not too fond of so far is peas, but we'll keep trying!
The last few weekend have been nonstop. Friday night we went to a surprise birthday party for our friend Allison, which was a lot of fun!! It's always nice when we can all get together, and this time there were lots of kiddo's! Yesterday we woke up and went to the Vesta Home Show, then ran some errands and cleaned while the kids slept.
My 2nd cousin Lora, whom I used to be very close with, is having her first baby next month. She's having a girl, but the baby's name is still a secret. So today Mom, the girls and I drove to Jackson, TN for her baby shower. It's always bittersweet to go visit Dad's family. I love seeing everyone, but it makes me miss my dad so!
Here's a picture of Aubrey with my dad's Aunt Fern. SO I guess that makes her Aubrey's Great-great Aunt?? Crazy!
And the beautiful mom-to-be....
Work has ben a complete mess the last month or so. I've been working so much and feeling so under-appreciated it reminds me of my old job. Things seem to be slowing down for a week or so, so I'm hoping to get a little more rest this week. The countdown has begun until our 2nd honeymoon - only 4 1/2 weeks until I'm lying on the beach with Clint and without the girls. I honestly can't imagine what that will feel like!!
Congratulations to my friend Kim who got engaged over the weekend. We're SO happy for you and Andrew and love you both :)
Here's Aubrey this morning in her jammies, which I love!! As you can see, she's sitting up really well. She still is a good eater and so far enjoys sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, potatoes, corn, green beans, avocado, broccoli, bananas and, as any good Buchanan, she loves bean dip! The only thing she's not too fond of so far is peas, but we'll keep trying!
My 2nd cousin Lora, whom I used to be very close with, is having her first baby next month. She's having a girl, but the baby's name is still a secret. So today Mom, the girls and I drove to Jackson, TN for her baby shower. It's always bittersweet to go visit Dad's family. I love seeing everyone, but it makes me miss my dad so!
Here's a picture of Aubrey with my dad's Aunt Fern. SO I guess that makes her Aubrey's Great-great Aunt?? Crazy!
Congratulations to my friend Kim who got engaged over the weekend. We're SO happy for you and Andrew and love you both :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
6 Months!!!
I can't believ my baby is a half a year old, but she is!! Here are her stats:
Head 41 cm (25th percentile)
Weight: 14 pounds, 12 ounces (35th percentile)
Height: 24 1/2 inches (35th percentile)
She's a little girl!! She seems to be recovering from her ear infection nicely. Some of her favorite things are playing pattycake, her jumperoo, and listening to Big Sis sing Jesus Loves Me. She's sitting pretty well now, and loves to eat!! Her favorites are sweet potatoes and caoorts, and she does NOT like peas.
I'll post some pics later!
Head 41 cm (25th percentile)
Weight: 14 pounds, 12 ounces (35th percentile)
Height: 24 1/2 inches (35th percentile)
She's a little girl!! She seems to be recovering from her ear infection nicely. Some of her favorite things are playing pattycake, her jumperoo, and listening to Big Sis sing Jesus Loves Me. She's sitting pretty well now, and loves to eat!! Her favorites are sweet potatoes and caoorts, and she does NOT like peas.
I'll post some pics later!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Day in the Life.....
I've seen some friends' blogs where they document their typical day in pictures. I thought it was a cute idea that I'll try to do one weekend soon. It got me wondering about what a typical weekday was like for me, so I thought I'd document. Not a very exciting post, but it IS my life...
5:00 am - Wake up, feed the baby
5:45 - Lay back down in bed wishing it were about 4 more hours until I had to get up
6:00 - Shower, get ready for work
6:30 - Pack bags, take Madelyn to the potty, get her dressed
6:50 - Wake up Aubrey, get her dressed
7:10 - Run out the door juggling a breast pump, purse, diaper bag, computer bag, 2ft tall stack of work I brought home, glass of Grape Kool-aid and 2 kids
7:25 - Drop kids off at PawPaw's; realize I forgot food for the baby so give the ok for them to give her yogurt
8:10 - Get to work
8:11 - Answer questions from my staff accountant and check to make sure everyone knows what we have to get done
8:13 - Get called into my Director's office so he can give me ANOTHER list of things to do
8:15 - Start up my computer and read my 21 awaiting emails
8:30 - Prepare for meeting
9:15 - Doze off while pumping milk for the baby
10:00 - Meeting with Director for Branch operations
11:00 - Get back to my desk and wonder what's for lunch since I forgot mine
11:30 - I really want to order lunch, but instead I'm working up a marketing schedule for the CFO
12:00 - I REALLY am hungry and I'm going to get lunch soon
12:50 - Go pick up lunch
1:05 - Get called into Director's office to talk to CFO on the phone before taking a bite of lunch
2:00 - Finish lunch, realize we have another $60,000 charge I need to book - CFO and Director won't like this!!!
2:10 - Break the news; talk to several people trying to somehow get around booking the accrual
3:10 - Find out I have 2 reports due tomorrow, 1 due Friday, the next 3 year projections by month due Friday and the auditors are coming Monday - Great
3:15 - Finally remember to pump again because my chest is about to explode
4:25 - Realize I didn't get half of my to-do list completed
5:20 - Run out to my car worrying that Clint will be mad if I'm late again
5:50 - Walk in the door to a den full of toys, a crying baby and Madelyn screaming
6:00 - Kiss hubby bye as he leaves for work; make BLT sandwich and steamed veggies for dinner
6:30 - Feed baby pureed carrots
7:00 - Change crib sheets, wash kids' clothes
7:20 - PJ's and milk for Madelyn; feed baby and hug on Madelyn while watching Wonder Pets
8:00 - Change Aubrey and put her to bed
8:10 - Clean the kitchen, load dishwasher, plan out tomorrow's dinner
8:45 - Pick up toys, dig out chip crumbs from the couch cushions and clean up baby spit up from Bumbo
9:10 - Watch tv
10:00 - Blog and look at Facebook
10:15 - Lay in bed thinking about how tomorrow I get to do it all again!!
5:00 am - Wake up, feed the baby
5:45 - Lay back down in bed wishing it were about 4 more hours until I had to get up
6:00 - Shower, get ready for work
6:30 - Pack bags, take Madelyn to the potty, get her dressed
6:50 - Wake up Aubrey, get her dressed
7:10 - Run out the door juggling a breast pump, purse, diaper bag, computer bag, 2ft tall stack of work I brought home, glass of Grape Kool-aid and 2 kids
7:25 - Drop kids off at PawPaw's; realize I forgot food for the baby so give the ok for them to give her yogurt
8:10 - Get to work
8:11 - Answer questions from my staff accountant and check to make sure everyone knows what we have to get done
8:13 - Get called into my Director's office so he can give me ANOTHER list of things to do
8:15 - Start up my computer and read my 21 awaiting emails
8:30 - Prepare for meeting
9:15 - Doze off while pumping milk for the baby
10:00 - Meeting with Director for Branch operations
11:00 - Get back to my desk and wonder what's for lunch since I forgot mine
11:30 - I really want to order lunch, but instead I'm working up a marketing schedule for the CFO
12:00 - I REALLY am hungry and I'm going to get lunch soon
12:50 - Go pick up lunch
1:05 - Get called into Director's office to talk to CFO on the phone before taking a bite of lunch
2:00 - Finish lunch, realize we have another $60,000 charge I need to book - CFO and Director won't like this!!!
2:10 - Break the news; talk to several people trying to somehow get around booking the accrual
3:10 - Find out I have 2 reports due tomorrow, 1 due Friday, the next 3 year projections by month due Friday and the auditors are coming Monday - Great
3:15 - Finally remember to pump again because my chest is about to explode
4:25 - Realize I didn't get half of my to-do list completed
5:20 - Run out to my car worrying that Clint will be mad if I'm late again
5:50 - Walk in the door to a den full of toys, a crying baby and Madelyn screaming
6:00 - Kiss hubby bye as he leaves for work; make BLT sandwich and steamed veggies for dinner
6:30 - Feed baby pureed carrots
7:00 - Change crib sheets, wash kids' clothes
7:20 - PJ's and milk for Madelyn; feed baby and hug on Madelyn while watching Wonder Pets
8:00 - Change Aubrey and put her to bed
8:10 - Clean the kitchen, load dishwasher, plan out tomorrow's dinner
8:45 - Pick up toys, dig out chip crumbs from the couch cushions and clean up baby spit up from Bumbo
9:10 - Watch tv
10:00 - Blog and look at Facebook
10:15 - Lay in bed thinking about how tomorrow I get to do it all again!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
We have another bad ear infection for the baby. At least I know why I've only had 4 hours of sleep the past 2 nights.
Cross your fingers the medicine helps us sleep tonight!!!!!
Cross your fingers the medicine helps us sleep tonight!!!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
25 Things things that make me deliriously happy...
1. Hearing Madelyn say, "I love you Mommy"
2. Laying in bed talking to my husband
3. Snuggling with Aubrey and watching her sleep
4. Pumpkin spice lattes
5. A new pair of shoes
6. Fall festivals - I can't wait for Mistletoe Merchants tomorrow!!
7. Cobbler - any kind
8. Cool weather
9. Football games
10. Buying Christmas gifts for people
11. Any kind of lily
12. Fajitas
13. Listening to Madelyn say her prayers at night, "Jesus, thank you for Mommy and Daddy and Sissy and Madelyn and my bear - Amen"
14. Aubrey's giggles
15. The sound of Clint laughing
16. Singing Indigo Girls in my car at the top of my lungs
17. Getting my cash flow to work every month at work
18. Personal days
19. A long, super hot shower
20. Pumpkin spice lattes - I know, but it makes me so happy it deserves 2 spots
21. Clint - most of the time :)
22. Hugs from my Mom
23. Memories of my Dad
24. Time relaxing with my family
25. My kids
2. Laying in bed talking to my husband
3. Snuggling with Aubrey and watching her sleep
4. Pumpkin spice lattes
5. A new pair of shoes
6. Fall festivals - I can't wait for Mistletoe Merchants tomorrow!!
7. Cobbler - any kind
8. Cool weather
9. Football games
10. Buying Christmas gifts for people
11. Any kind of lily
12. Fajitas
13. Listening to Madelyn say her prayers at night, "Jesus, thank you for Mommy and Daddy and Sissy and Madelyn and my bear - Amen"
14. Aubrey's giggles
15. The sound of Clint laughing
16. Singing Indigo Girls in my car at the top of my lungs
17. Getting my cash flow to work every month at work
18. Personal days
19. A long, super hot shower
20. Pumpkin spice lattes - I know, but it makes me so happy it deserves 2 spots
21. Clint - most of the time :)
22. Hugs from my Mom
23. Memories of my Dad
24. Time relaxing with my family
25. My kids
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Fun Stuff
We've had a pretty uneventful week (Sorry, I'm not sure how to turn off the underlines). Nothing really new to report.
Here's my pretty striped baby...
Pretty blue eyes - notice the new bed spread. We've finally finished painting the bedroom!!
We're getting better at sitting up. Still pretty wobbly, but getting better every day! Oh, and we have 2 teeth that have popped up over the last week!
With the teething has come a lack of sleep. Out of desperation Aubrey finally had to come into our bed. But what a sweet face to wake up to....
Madelyn hasn't really been up to anything. I'm taking the girls for pictures this weekend, so I should have some good ones soon.
Here's my pretty striped baby...
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