I've heard several stories in the last 2 days of people my age either passing away or having serious health issues. It made me think about if the Lord called me away at this young age. So I've decided that I want to use this season of Thanksgiving to let the people I love the most know how much they mean to me. Here goes.....
Clinton LowellI don't even know where to begin. You are my best friend, my love and my companion. I love you more every day and you never cease to amaze me. Every day since that first night I saw you in the Notre Dame jacket and chain wallet, I've thanked God for bringing you into my life. I pray that our girls will someday find a Husband as loving as you. I love you more than I could ever express.
People have often asked me if I've ever wanted to find my birth parents. I've always considered myself luckier than most children because if God allowed me to pick my own Mother, I would have picked you. You inspire me every day to me a better woman, wife and mother. I use your example everyday to try to instill your love of the Lord into my own children. I can't imagine my life without you.
I'm sure when you met me when I was 14 it never entered your mind that I would be your daughter-in-law someday. But the last 15 years I've known you I've felt a part of your family. I think of you as another Mother, that I am truly blessed to have. Clint and I could never thank you enough for all you do for us and the girls. Your thoughtfulness and selflessness are an inspiration.
Kelly M.
I knew the night I first met you that you would change my brother's life (especially when he made me change clothes 3 times!!) You make him a better Man. I couldn't be more proud to have you as a sister!
Amanda B.
You are perhaps the most beautiful person, inside and out, that I know. Your love of life and love of the Lord shine through in everything you do and everyone you meet. I love you!
What can I say??? I cherish all the times that Clint and Jerome say we "cackle" together!! You are such an amazing Mom, and the one I call for advice! I often pray that God will bless me with the patience you have with all of your children and your husband :) I know we have that security with each other where although we may not talk as often as we'd like to, we'll always be close!!
EmilyWhat would I do at night without our hours of phone conversations? I always know that no matter what kind of day I've had, I can call you and forget all my worries, or just vent about them for hours! You're so thoughtful and caring, and I thank God everyday for our friendship.
Amanda K.
You're an inspiration to me in more ways than you'll know. Whether trying to turn away some chips and dip or making more time for Bible study, I always think of you and know that I can do anything I try.
ErinWe have had more good times than I could possibly mention. Some of the best memories of my life are with you - whether at Jazz Fest in New Orleans, or just hanging out at your apartment, I know true friends like you are few and far between. we can talk about ANYTHING! We can boast about our genius children, and discuss accounting principles all over one lunch. I cherish all my memories with you and only wish we saw each other more now.
To all my other friends.....I only wish I had the time and the words to let every one of you know what you mean to me. Whether I'm having lunch with Marta, who probably truly knows me better than anyone else on this planet, or laughing with Claire and Page, I cherish the place each of you has in my heart. Kelley - I'm so thankful that we have reconnected. I almost feel as if God put us here to be friends with each other, for a purpose than only He may know.
Regardless, with each of you in my life I have SO much to be thankful for!