Family picture 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wow..... where does the time go???
Ok, so it's been FOREVER since I've posted. What can I say? Things have been crazy!! Let's see, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh yeah, Clint started a new job with the Organized Crime Unit working 8-4 Monday through Friday, so we actually work the same hours for the first time since we've been married!! I've also decided to take a new opportunity at FedEx. I'm giving my boss my notice tomorrow and am super nerous about it, so prayers are welcome!!
Well, if my computer allows I'll post some pics. And I promise to be more faithful about blogging :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
6 years
I can't believe that Clint and I have been married 6 years today!! Baby, I feel so blessed to have you as my other half, my best friend, my girls' daddy. I love you so incredibly much and can't wait to spend another 60 years with you!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wow, what a crazy month it's been!! Where to start, where to start??
Well, earlier this month we had Aubrey's baby dedication at church. We feel so blessed to have found a church home and friends that we love so much!! There were tons of other kids being dedicated the same day. Some friends and fmaily were able to join us at the church to witness our commitment to raise Aubrey in a Christian home and do everything in our power to make sure she loves the Lord! Here's a picture from that morning.

The day of her dedication when we got home, we realized that Aubrey was running fever. Clint took her to the dr the next day, and he ended up treating her for H1N1. The tamiflu made her feel better quickly, and luckily she didn't get too sick!
Last week I took the girls for their check-ups. Aubrey weighed in at 21 1/2 pounds!! Praise the Lord she is FINALLY back on the charts, and actually came in at 6th percentile for her age!! She is 30 inches tall, which is 12th percentile. Madelyn weighs 31 pounds and is 36 inches tall, so she's at 50th percentile for both height and weight. Aubrey also got her first hair cut last weekend. Her hair had gotten out of control, so I finally broke down and had it cut. It's MUCH shorter and I actually think it's gotten curlier, if that's even possible!!
Last night was Trunk or Treat at Christ the King. We have been lucky enough to borrow several costumes for Madelyn to choose from, and finally convinced her to wear our favorite one - the skunk!! She was quiet for a while, and finally told Clint, "I don't want to be a stinky skunk!!" So on Saturday I guess we'll let her be the kangaroo, which is her favorite! We also borrowed an adorable lion costume for Aubrey. Here are some pics from last night.
Aubrey wasn't too sure at first. But once someone put candy in her bucket - she was ready to go!!

Tonight we got our pumpkin to carve, and the guy at the pumpkin patch gave the girls each a small pumpkin of their own. I thought it would be fun if the girls colored theirs with markers. Boy, it was fun indeed!!

Clint and I went to a Halloween party with some church friends on Saturday night, and Clint wore a mullet. It was hilarious!! Here's Madelyn trying it on....

Well, I'm sure I'll post more pics after Halloween. Everyone have fun and be safe!
Well, earlier this month we had Aubrey's baby dedication at church. We feel so blessed to have found a church home and friends that we love so much!! There were tons of other kids being dedicated the same day. Some friends and fmaily were able to join us at the church to witness our commitment to raise Aubrey in a Christian home and do everything in our power to make sure she loves the Lord! Here's a picture from that morning.
The day of her dedication when we got home, we realized that Aubrey was running fever. Clint took her to the dr the next day, and he ended up treating her for H1N1. The tamiflu made her feel better quickly, and luckily she didn't get too sick!
Last week I took the girls for their check-ups. Aubrey weighed in at 21 1/2 pounds!! Praise the Lord she is FINALLY back on the charts, and actually came in at 6th percentile for her age!! She is 30 inches tall, which is 12th percentile. Madelyn weighs 31 pounds and is 36 inches tall, so she's at 50th percentile for both height and weight. Aubrey also got her first hair cut last weekend. Her hair had gotten out of control, so I finally broke down and had it cut. It's MUCH shorter and I actually think it's gotten curlier, if that's even possible!!
Last night was Trunk or Treat at Christ the King. We have been lucky enough to borrow several costumes for Madelyn to choose from, and finally convinced her to wear our favorite one - the skunk!! She was quiet for a while, and finally told Clint, "I don't want to be a stinky skunk!!" So on Saturday I guess we'll let her be the kangaroo, which is her favorite! We also borrowed an adorable lion costume for Aubrey. Here are some pics from last night.
Tonight we got our pumpkin to carve, and the guy at the pumpkin patch gave the girls each a small pumpkin of their own. I thought it would be fun if the girls colored theirs with markers. Boy, it was fun indeed!!
Well, I'm sure I'll post more pics after Halloween. Everyone have fun and be safe!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
All about Aubrey
I can not believe that my baby is 18 months old!! She is showing us more and more personality every day!
Aubrey talks a lot, just like her sister. She can name most animals, the sounds they make, point to different body parts (for some reason she has a hard time remembering where her ears are) and tries to count (although she just says "Five, six" over and over).
Her favorite things to say are
"I'm a mess" - Clint taught her that and it's pretty darn funny
"I want out" - she says that whether she wants down, out or up
"I love you"
"I want Mommy" - "I want Daddy"
"Where's Sissy?" This is usually the first thing she says every morning when she wakes up
"NO!!!" she usually screams this emphatically
"I'm stinky" - which she just told me, and she is!!
She usually goes to bed by 7:15 or so every night. The girls get out of the bathtub about 6:50, and after playing Aubrey will just walk up to me and say "Night night" and walk down the hallway to her bed. She doesn't care if we have people over or what we're doing - she likes her bedtime! She generally is up about 6:30 the next morning and we leave for PawPaw's.
She is obsessed with shoes! Shoe was her first word, and she always points out other people's shoes as well as shows hers off to anyone who will look. I put some boots on her this morning and she pointed them out to everyone at church - she was so proud. She has recently discovered socks and seems to love those too. Sometimes she cries at night because I tell her we can't wear shoes to bed. To that she responds "WHYYYYYYYY?"
Aubrey is a pretty good eater. She'll usually eat whatever we're having for dinner, but would probably live on fruit and fruit snacks if I would let her. She LOVES bananas, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, blueberries, peaches, pears and any other fruit I can think of. She eats yogurt just about every day, and loves bread. Veggies she'll eat without question include corn, green beans, carrots, peas - and she LOVES any kind of beans. She's still little, but until her check-up later this week I won't know her stats.
My baby loves to dance, and shakes her booty any time she gets a chance. She doesn't let her big sister push her around, and is really starting to stand her ground. More often than not these days, it's Madelyn running to me complaining that her sister pushed her or won't share something.
Aubrey is such a loving and sweet baby. Everyone who has kept her in the nursery at church threatens to take her home with them and goes on and on about how sweet she is. She'll openly say "I love you" and gives kisses freely. She usually makes a fish face to kiss, but at least it cuts back on the slobber. She will also give hugs on command.
We've started weaning Aubrey off the paci, which she calls lala. She still has her bunny, Lolly, that goes wherever she goes. She has an Elmo blanket that her Nana made her that she sleeps with called bobo. So key things in her life are Lala, Lolly and Bobo :)
Aubrey and Madelyn are the best of friends. They cry when they're not together, and look for each other from the second they wake up. They definitely have their moments, but seems to have an unbreakable bond.
Aubrey, I never could have imagined that another baby girl could bring so much love to our lives.. We all love you so much, and couldn't imagine one minute without you!!
Aubrey talks a lot, just like her sister. She can name most animals, the sounds they make, point to different body parts (for some reason she has a hard time remembering where her ears are) and tries to count (although she just says "Five, six" over and over).
Her favorite things to say are
"I'm a mess" - Clint taught her that and it's pretty darn funny
"I want out" - she says that whether she wants down, out or up
"I love you"
"I want Mommy" - "I want Daddy"
"Where's Sissy?" This is usually the first thing she says every morning when she wakes up
"NO!!!" she usually screams this emphatically
"I'm stinky" - which she just told me, and she is!!
She usually goes to bed by 7:15 or so every night. The girls get out of the bathtub about 6:50, and after playing Aubrey will just walk up to me and say "Night night" and walk down the hallway to her bed. She doesn't care if we have people over or what we're doing - she likes her bedtime! She generally is up about 6:30 the next morning and we leave for PawPaw's.
She is obsessed with shoes! Shoe was her first word, and she always points out other people's shoes as well as shows hers off to anyone who will look. I put some boots on her this morning and she pointed them out to everyone at church - she was so proud. She has recently discovered socks and seems to love those too. Sometimes she cries at night because I tell her we can't wear shoes to bed. To that she responds "WHYYYYYYYY?"
Aubrey is a pretty good eater. She'll usually eat whatever we're having for dinner, but would probably live on fruit and fruit snacks if I would let her. She LOVES bananas, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, blueberries, peaches, pears and any other fruit I can think of. She eats yogurt just about every day, and loves bread. Veggies she'll eat without question include corn, green beans, carrots, peas - and she LOVES any kind of beans. She's still little, but until her check-up later this week I won't know her stats.
My baby loves to dance, and shakes her booty any time she gets a chance. She doesn't let her big sister push her around, and is really starting to stand her ground. More often than not these days, it's Madelyn running to me complaining that her sister pushed her or won't share something.
Aubrey is such a loving and sweet baby. Everyone who has kept her in the nursery at church threatens to take her home with them and goes on and on about how sweet she is. She'll openly say "I love you" and gives kisses freely. She usually makes a fish face to kiss, but at least it cuts back on the slobber. She will also give hugs on command.
We've started weaning Aubrey off the paci, which she calls lala. She still has her bunny, Lolly, that goes wherever she goes. She has an Elmo blanket that her Nana made her that she sleeps with called bobo. So key things in her life are Lala, Lolly and Bobo :)
Aubrey and Madelyn are the best of friends. They cry when they're not together, and look for each other from the second they wake up. They definitely have their moments, but seems to have an unbreakable bond.
Aubrey, I never could have imagined that another baby girl could bring so much love to our lives.. We all love you so much, and couldn't imagine one minute without you!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Last weekend we decided to take a trip to Nashville and spend some time with family. We were able to stay at Sue and BG's house, and Amanda and Houston also came in town. It was such a perfect weekend!! We left Friday night and got in town about 9:00 or so, right when Aunt A pulled in the driveway. She came with gifts for the girls, including some cute new jammies that the girls were thrilled to model for us all!

Saturday morning we lounged around and ate a BIG breakfast, then we went to Opry Mills for a while. The girls had their first Build-A-Bear experience, and loved it!
First walking in and picking out their animals....

Madelyn filling her bear...

Washing her bear...

Dressing her bear....

And finally, Heather was born!!

Aubrey's Kitty....

Carousel ride

After the mall and naps more family came over and we just visited and played. Here are the girls and some of their cousins playing outside.

The boys were playing corn hole and Aubrey wanted to play too!!

Sunday morning we slept in and had lunch with the whole family before coming home. Here's Aubrey trying to wake up in Uncle Houston's lap.

All in all, it was the best weekend I've had in a while. It was so fun to relax and spend time with people we love and don't see nearly enough!!

First walking in and picking out their animals....

Madelyn filling her bear...

Washing her bear...

Dressing her bear....

And finally, Heather was born!!

Aubrey's Kitty....

Carousel ride

After the mall and naps more family came over and we just visited and played. Here are the girls and some of their cousins playing outside.
The boys were playing corn hole and Aubrey wanted to play too!!
Sunday morning we slept in and had lunch with the whole family before coming home. Here's Aubrey trying to wake up in Uncle Houston's lap.
All in all, it was the best weekend I've had in a while. It was so fun to relax and spend time with people we love and don't see nearly enough!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Madelyn "Mommy, what's that?"
Me "It looks like a big booger"
Madelyn puts in in her mouth.
Me "MADELYN!! That's disgusting!!"
Madelyn "Why? I like boogers. I eat them all the time"
She's been learning about family at school:
Madelyn "Mom, are you older?"
Me "Well, that depends. I'm older than you. Why?"
Madelyn "When you get older you can't have any babies"
Me "Well, we aren't going to have anymore babies"
Madelyn "I know mom, because you're so old!"
Madelyn "Mom, who is my husband?"
Me "Well, sweetie, you don't have a husband. Only grown ups get married"
Madelyn, "But I want a husband now! I think I'll make Aubrey my husband"
Me "No, usually a boy is a husband. Aubrey is a girl."
Madelyn "Ok, then Daddy can be my husband"
Me "No, Daddy is my husband"
Madelyn "No Mom, Daddy doesn't want to be your husband anymore. He told me"
Me "It looks like a big booger"
Madelyn puts in in her mouth.
Me "MADELYN!! That's disgusting!!"
Madelyn "Why? I like boogers. I eat them all the time"
She's been learning about family at school:
Madelyn "Mom, are you older?"
Me "Well, that depends. I'm older than you. Why?"
Madelyn "When you get older you can't have any babies"
Me "Well, we aren't going to have anymore babies"
Madelyn "I know mom, because you're so old!"
Madelyn "Mom, who is my husband?"
Me "Well, sweetie, you don't have a husband. Only grown ups get married"
Madelyn, "But I want a husband now! I think I'll make Aubrey my husband"
Me "No, usually a boy is a husband. Aubrey is a girl."
Madelyn "Ok, then Daddy can be my husband"
Me "No, Daddy is my husband"
Madelyn "No Mom, Daddy doesn't want to be your husband anymore. He told me"
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Christmas in September??
Keepin it real
Ok, so I've been tagged. My friend Claire did a post on her blog that tagged everyone else with a blog to participate. I thought it was pretty funny. Basically you go around your house right now and take pictures of every room and post them. I considered cleaning up before hand, but that's not really keeping it real, huh? So here's the honest truth about the Buchanan house when I desperately need to clean!! I'm going to first defend myself and say that my usual cleaning time is naptime Saturday and Sunday. However, during naptime yesterday I went to the office and worked, and today chose to go to Germantown Festival. So little to no cleaning was done this weekend.
Here goes nothing....
First up is Aubrey's room. Nothing too exciting here; you'll just see lots of "stuff". That is a recurring problem in our house, hence the desire to move to a larger home. Anyway, the Countrywood garage sale is next weekend and I'm planning on selling the stage seen below then. I just have to figure out how to get it out the house without the girls noticing....
Next up is the guest/girls' bathroom at the end of the house. It's rather small and I clean it everytime the girls are in the bathtub, so it stays pretty clean.
Madelyn's room is next. She and Aubrey really enjoy playing in there these days. That also means I make them clean it up nightly. Madelyn used to sleep with about 10 stuffed animals and 5 or 6 books. But since we took the rails off her bed, everything falls off so now it's just the books.... Below is Madelyn's attempt at making her bed in the morning. Not too bad!

Ok, now down to the disaster area - our bedroom. This is always the last room to clean, as usually when I'm cleaning Clint is sleeping in there and I don't want to disturb him. So here's the bed, which we NEVER make because someone is in it all but about 8 hours a day.

As I write this, I am doing laundry, so you'll notice the big piles of clothes on the floor. Those will be off the floor (maybe) by the end of the night. But I have a bad habit of washing and folding clothes, then piling said clean clothes on the floor. That's because putting away clothes is my LEAST favorite chore (well, perhaps it's tied with mopping the floors). I forgot that dress shirt was even hanging up there until I looked at this picture. Clint wore that months ago and it needs to go to the cleaners. Hmmm, maybe I'll do that this week.....

Next in the tour is our den, which is always covered with toys (unless it's after 8:00 and all little people in the house are sleeping). Just when Madelyn was able to understand to only play with one or two toys at a time, along came Aubrey!! Oh well, what can you do?? Now the carpet looks horrible, but that's simply because it's old and worn out. Hopefully all the floors in our house will be replaced by Christmas.
Lastly is the kitchen, which is generally the cleanest room in the house. Both girls LOVE helping me wipe the counters and sweep the floors, so we make it a family event. Also, my wonderful husband mopped the floors yesterday while I was working. Thanks, honey!! Also trying to be considerate, Clint takes off his bulletproof vest and work shirt before coming into our bedroom at night. That was per my request. I would much rather deal with them hanging on the back of a kitchen chair, then be awakened by the sound of velcro at 3:30 every morning!
SO that's the grand tour folks! Now I dare you all to do the same.....
Also along the lines of keeping it real - Madelyn has really been calling me out on things lately. The other day while we were in the car, she started singing "Shush girl, shut your lips. Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips" from some song that was on my radio. Needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled and have since adjusted my radio station. Also, last night we were watching tv - nothing crude, but not a show geared for a 3 year old. After a few minutes Madelyn said, "Mommy, why are they saying so many bad words? I don't like this."
I guess as parents it's easy to tell your young kids that some things are bad, but actions speak louder than words!!
Here goes nothing....
First up is Aubrey's room. Nothing too exciting here; you'll just see lots of "stuff". That is a recurring problem in our house, hence the desire to move to a larger home. Anyway, the Countrywood garage sale is next weekend and I'm planning on selling the stage seen below then. I just have to figure out how to get it out the house without the girls noticing....
Ok, now down to the disaster area - our bedroom. This is always the last room to clean, as usually when I'm cleaning Clint is sleeping in there and I don't want to disturb him. So here's the bed, which we NEVER make because someone is in it all but about 8 hours a day.
As I write this, I am doing laundry, so you'll notice the big piles of clothes on the floor. Those will be off the floor (maybe) by the end of the night. But I have a bad habit of washing and folding clothes, then piling said clean clothes on the floor. That's because putting away clothes is my LEAST favorite chore (well, perhaps it's tied with mopping the floors). I forgot that dress shirt was even hanging up there until I looked at this picture. Clint wore that months ago and it needs to go to the cleaners. Hmmm, maybe I'll do that this week.....
Next in the tour is our den, which is always covered with toys (unless it's after 8:00 and all little people in the house are sleeping). Just when Madelyn was able to understand to only play with one or two toys at a time, along came Aubrey!! Oh well, what can you do?? Now the carpet looks horrible, but that's simply because it's old and worn out. Hopefully all the floors in our house will be replaced by Christmas.
Also along the lines of keeping it real - Madelyn has really been calling me out on things lately. The other day while we were in the car, she started singing "Shush girl, shut your lips. Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips" from some song that was on my radio. Needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled and have since adjusted my radio station. Also, last night we were watching tv - nothing crude, but not a show geared for a 3 year old. After a few minutes Madelyn said, "Mommy, why are they saying so many bad words? I don't like this."
I guess as parents it's easy to tell your young kids that some things are bad, but actions speak louder than words!!
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