A year ago today, I woke up and went to the hospital by myself about 5:00 am. I thoroughly enjoyed my alone time sitting in the hospital bed watching the news, although those pesky contractions were no fun! After Clint dropped off Madelyn at the sitters' house at about 8:30, he made his way to the hospital just in time for my epidural. By 10:00 the doctor checked me and told me I was only 4 cm dilated, and the doctor said "this baby isn't coming anytime soon!" Aubrey arrived at 10:37 am after 4 pushes.
I secretly wondered the whole time I was pregnant with Aubrey how I could possibly love another child as much as I love Madelyn. The second I looked at Aubrey, I understood. Somehow God allows your heart to double and you just DO! I can't imagine our life without her sweet smiling face.
Aubrey won't go for her 1 year check up for a couple of weeks, but yesterday she weighed in at 18 pounds, 4 ounces, which I think is between the 5th and 10th percentile :) She's little, for sure!
She has been walking everywhere for about a week and a half now, and can clearly say "Mama, Dada, Bye-bye, Hi and Ni-Ni" (Night, night). But her favorite thing to say by far is "boya, boya, boya, boya....." If anyone can translate, we'd love to know what that means!! She loves to dance, and shakes her little bottom anytime she hears music. She also will wave and clap, and tries to spin her hands when we sing "The wheels on the bus." She can make marks with crayons and sidewalk chalk, thanks to Big Sister's love of coloring. She feeds herself with her hands, and is now trying to use a spoon (but very few of those bites make it in her mouth!!).
Aubrey, I love you little baby and can't believe how fast the last year has gone by!!