That's what these last few weeks have been. I can really tell it's summertime because we have been super busy. Let's see...over the last few weeks we went to Ben's 9th birthday party...

Swimming at Mimi and Poppie's (which Aubrey HATED)...

Had a graham cracker "picnic" in the den

Oh yeah, and we had a reception at Mom's house for Amanda and Houston and about 75 other people. Unfortunately, I didn't get the camera out the whole night, so I didn't get any pictures.
Madelyn is so fun these days. She is basically potty trained, and only has accidents every few days. She's really learning and thinking all the time. She constantly asks questions. The other day she asked me, "Mommy, why can't I take my toes off?" I wasn't quite sure what to say.
This is what Aubrey does most of the time these days....

She's ALL about Mommy right now. She'll be playing perfectly content, then I walk through the room and she cries for me. It's frustrating, but I try to remember this is only a phase and too soon she'll not want to sit with me. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she has a sinus/double ear/upper respiratory infection. The doctor is also concerned (as I have been for MONTHS) that Aubrey isn't growing like she should. In fact, we realized that she has only gained 10 ounces since her 9 month check-up. SO, I'm going to try a few things to fatten her up and the doc wants to see her again in a few weeks. I feel a little relieved that finally someone is listening to me. I've gotten so tired of people telling me, "Oh, she's just little!!" Hopefully they'll figure out something and she can grow a little.
We're leaving Thursday (which, by the way is my 30th birthday!!!!) for Pickwick for the weekend. Last week was a really rough week for me, so I'm super excited for some R&R. I'll try to post some pics when we get back!