Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Friday, August 17, 2007

First Timer.....

Well, I'm going to give this blogging thing a try. I don't know how well I"ll do, but I've gotten really bad at keeping people current on what's going on with us, so I'll give it a try. Where shall we begin???

Madelyn Grace just turned 1 less than a month ago. Everyone tells you how fast the time goes by, but until you have a child of your own, I don't think you can realize how true it is. She's just firgured out the whole walking thing over the last week or so. She looks so cute with her wobby little legs walking across the floor. I think it's so funny that her knees hardly ever bend while she's moving. Hey, whatever works!!

We've been having some health scares the last 2 or 3 weeks, but everything seems to be fine for the moment. I went to the ER 2 weeks ago because I had pains while I was breathing. I was sure that I had pneumonia, but they diagnosed me with pleurisy. They did a CT scan to check out everything, and saw a mass on my trachea. I don't think it's possible to understand how your life can totally stop in a matter of 2 seconds unless you ever get a phone call like that one!! CLint and I prayed for days that it just wasn't cancer, while preoaring for the worst. We discussed all kinds of things I never want to talk about again that weekend - from life insurance, to who would take care of Madelyn while LCint was at work if I were undergoing chemo. Thanks the Lord, when they did the bronchoscopy they determined that the mass was only an infection. The pulmonologist suggested that I have surgery to get it removed, but CLint and I have agreed to put that pn hold temporarily. They still aren't sure what caused the whole thing, but they think it relates to the rare infection I had in Knoxvillw 9 years ago. As my sis-in-law told me, I'm the "Queen of Weird Illnesses!!"

That's about all that's going on in our household at the moment. let's see how often I can remember to update this thing!!

Until next time......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so scary summer! we'll keep ya in our prayers...
