Well, let's see what's happened since I last wrote. I can tell you what HASN'T happened much at our house, and that's sleep!!! Last Thursday night Madelyn woke up about midnight screaming hysterically. It was an awful sound! I jumped out of bed and immediately went in her room expecting to find her arm or leg stuck in the crib. She was fine, just laying in bed with her eyes closed screaming. I picked her up and held her, but she cried until about 6:00 am. It was AWFUL!!!
I took Madelyn to the doctor and they couldn't find antyhing wrong with her except for the sinus infection she's all ready on medication for. it's so frustrating when they tell you there's nothing wrong with your child, but you know they aren't being themselves. The doctor told me she must just be hurting (well, DUH!!! But why???) and I should giver her some Tylenol.
Since then we've only had one night of normal sleep. Clint and I have tried everything, from just letting her cry all night to putting her in bed with us, all with no solutions. Some friends have said it could be nightmares or night terrors, but I just don't understand what a 14 month old could be so scared of. if anyone has any suggestions, please offer them up!! She seems to be her normal, happy self when she wakes up, but at night she can't seem to be comforted.
In other news, I went to the doctor last Thursday. We heard the new baby's heartbeat, and everything sounded good. I talked to the doctor about my chances of preterm labor since Madelyn was born early. He suggested that I try progesterone theapy, which basically involves getting a shot of progesterone every week starting at 20 weeks. It has shown to reduce the risk of perterm labor, but this baby could still come early. Of course, I'm just as likely to carry this baby full term too. Clint and I decided that I should go ahead and do the shots. I know me, and if I don't and the baby comes early, all I'll think about it how I should have done it.
Clint has inservice this week so it's our one week a year to pretend we're a "normal" married couple. I LOVE having him home in the evenings! What a difference it is to have someone there to help out with the baby. It's nice to be able to do dishes and not have to turn around every second to see what's she's doing. He's trying really hard to get a day shift, but since he's only been on the force 5 years, it's not likely. I am dreading Saturday when all goes back to normal and I'm alone at night again!!
Oh yeah, and here's my latest favorite pic of M. I can't believe how much she looks like Daddy!!

Until next time.......
1 comment:
Oh my goodness Summer...what is wrong with little miss boo? Mom mentioned her being scared of the "Frankenstein" figurine she has out for Halloween, you dont think its that do you? Im kidding, but wow I cant believe she just cries and cries. Well I hope everyone is doing well I really would like to see you guys soon! Hopefully I can work something out to come home one weekend, before Thanksgiving! Im in Springfield Illinois now....cute little city! Give that precious baby kisses for me:) Love you guys!
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