Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Friday, November 16, 2007

What a week!!!

Where do I start?? This last week has been absolutely crazy for me!

Last Friday when I got to work I started feeling really dizzy and light headed. At first I wasn't too concerned about it, but it finally got to the point where I couldn't function, so a friend took me to the doctor. He said it's pretty common in pregnant women, and told me to go home and lay on the couch all day and it should go away. Yay, a doctor ordered day off work! I felt better that afternoon. Auntie A was in town that day, and all of CLint's family came over to eat for Poppie's birthday, which was a blast, but I was exhausted by the time everyone left.

Saturday we went to the store and just hung out most of the day. I got pretty dizzy in the afternoon, but we had a baby shower to go to for our friends Claire and Michael, so I wasn't too worried. Clint went to pick something up before the shower, and at one point I was so disoriented, I fell. I was fine, but waited until Clint go thome to get up. The dizziness continued at the shower until I finally made Clint leave so I could get in bed.

Sunday we relaxed and spent time with Clint's family, and I felt pretty good. By Tuesday it was back so I called my doctor, thinking he would want to see me. Instead he referred me to a cardiologist, which seemed totally random to me.

Anyway, I went to the cardiologist yesterday, which was one of the most annoying events in my life! I was there for 4 hours!!! Basically he told me that my EKG looked "great". He said it's common if you have even the slightest heart issue to get these kinds of problems when you're pregnant. he did tell me the progesterone therapy, which I start next week, could make it worse. They drew blood and did an ECHO, but I don't know the results of that. I did see that they wrote down that I have a murmur, so I'm guessing maybe that's the culprit? anywho, now I have this stupid heart monitor that I have to wear for 30 days. Basically anytime I feel really dizzy i press the record button on the monitor, and it records my EKG for a minute. Then I call in to the dr office and transmit the info over the phone so they can see what's going on. Annoying! I've only had to hit record once so far.

CLint's finally going to day to buy a dishwasher, which I'm thrilled about! It hasn't been fun hand washing dishes for 2 weeks!

Well, everyone have a splendid weekend! Until next time.......

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