Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Monday, January 21, 2008

Aubrey Kaitlyn

Well, I had an unexpected visit to the doctor this morning and got an ultrasound of Aubrey!! She's looking great and weighs in right now at 2 pounds and 7 ounces. I went in because her level of activity has drastically decreased over the weekend, and they wanted to check my fluid level since I've been so sick. Everything looks good though! I'm no longer dehydrated, but I still haven't gained any weight in the last month - which if you ask me is NO problem! They're not worried thought because I've gained 7 pounds total, so that's good. Aubrey is now sitting breach, with her head up under my ribs, which is why they think I'm feeling decreased movement.

We had family in town last weekend for our final Christmas celebration of the year. I'll post some pics tonight!!

1 comment:

CSP said...

glad to fear everything is ok! get that baby turned around!!