Well, another doctor appointment today. No change from last week. The doctor told me that he wants to do an ultrasound next week because Aubrey is in a funny position. He said he thinks her head is down, but because of where she's positioned my cervix is crammed underneath my left side of my pelvis. I guess this is why I'm hurting so bad on my left side. Hopefully she'll move soon! He also went ahead and scheduled an induction on my due date - so she's definitely going to be here by the 14th - YAY!!
Madelyn's starting to get back to normal. She's still been pretty whiny and clingy this week, so I"m glad that each day she's returning a little more to her old self! Tonight she kept asking me for a diaper change, but I knew she was dry, so I asked her if she wanted to sit on the Big girl potty. She ran into the bathroom and after I sat her on the potty she peed!! I was so proud of my big girl!
Hope everyone has a good weekend...
Yay peein on the big girl potty!!
Lets see the new girl!
Clint called and gave me the update! YAAAAAY!Heard Aubrey will make her debut next Wednesday!!!! Madelyn is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!!!
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