Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What a week....

Well, the last week has been pretty busy! I had a lot of big deadlines at work last week, so I worked some late nights and didn't get to do much at home. Went to the doctor Thursday, and not dilated at all yet, which was what I expected. We'll get another update tomorrow, but I'm still not expecting anything to have happened.

I took a personal day off work today so that Clint, Madelyn and I could have a fun day before the baby comes. Of course, we had massive rain and cooler weather, so our original idea of going to the zoo didn't work out. We've been having some serious sleeping issues with Madelyn the last few days, but she was fine during the day so we thought nothing of it. Last night she started running about 101 fever, and again we just gave her some Tylenol and thought, "Oh well". This morning her fever was about the same, so I decided to go ahead and make a dr appointment for her - assuming it's probably ANOTHER sinus infection.

We decided to give her some Tylenol and still try to have some fun. we went to the mall this morning and let Madelyn play in the play area for about an hour - which she LOVED!! Then we strolled around and met Uncle Clay and Ben for lunch. By the time we got home, she was running about 101 fever again and wouldn't nap in her bed. I was holding her while she slept when I noticed about 2:30 that she was shivering. I checked her temp and it was almost 105. UGH!! So we went to the dr, and she has some sort of Adno infection?? basically she has a bunch of ulcers on her throat that hurt and are causing the fever. He tested for strep, but it came back negative. We almost wish it had been that because at least strep can be helped with medicine. So we're just waiting now for this virus to run its course. Luckily I'm pretty slow at work because the doctor told me she's highly contagious, so looks like I'll be staying home with her. Hopefully we can get over this and enjoy our Easter festivities this weekend!!

Until next time......


Anonymous said...

Sending get well vibes, Summer! Keep us posted on that baby!

CSP said...

Lordy that doesn't sound fun at all! Hope the lil doll is feeling better!