We finally welcomed the newest addition to our family on Wednesday, April 9th at 10:37 am. After 9 months of a not-so-pleasant pregnancy Aubrey decided to make her arrival into the world easy as can be. I got to the hospital about 5 in the morning, and was in my room and on the iv by 5:30. When I arrived I was all ready 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced. The started the pitocin about 6:15. I had a wonderful nurse, which I was very appreciative for! About 7:30 I rated my pain as a 2 and the contractions weren't regular at all. By 8:30 they were coming every 2 minutes and I was HURTING!!! I couldn't believe how fast and strong it was all happening. The doctor came in to break my water and I was all ready 6 cm! About 10 minutes later I kept telling the nurse I felt like I HAD to push. She just laughed and told me I was fine and it would be a while before I pushed. After 20 minutes of my complaining about the need to push, they checked me again and I was 9 cm. By the time the dr came in I was 10 and ready to go!!
Mom was going to come to the hospital about 10:00 as she didn't want to sit there and wait all day. Clint called her at 9:30 and told her to hurry. She got there when I started pushing and Aubrey was here 10 minutes later!!
She seems to be perfect! So far the nursing has gone well, which is an answer to prayers. We came home yesterday about 12:30 and our first night home was fine. Madelyn seems to be doing really well and likes to "hold" Aubrey and give her kisses on her head.
Thanks to everyone who came to see us and for all the prayers!! Here are some of my favorpte pics so far, but I'm sure we'll have many more coming soon!!

1 comment:
Congratulations and wonderful that you had an easy delivery! Girl, I hope you were able to get an epidural!!!
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