Well, I've been a total slacker the last month with the blogging. Since I decided to go private with the site, I didn't want to post for a while, and then time slipped away from me..... I've also been slacking on the picture-taking again, so I PROMISE to take some more pics and post them this weekend.
Anyway, I can't believe my baby is all ready 3 months old!! And today was my last day on maternity leave :( I definitely have mixed emotions about going back to work. While I can't imagine not being able to hold and love on my Aubrey any time my heart desires, I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again. It will be nice to have adult conversations instead of reading "Llama, llama red pajama" again (although it IS a very cute book).
Aubrey went to teh doctor a week or so ago and is weighing in just under 12 pounds now. She is laughing and cooing all the time now, which is fun! She has a lolly that she loves, and I'm sure you'll see it in pics as she rarely is without it. She has also perfected the art of getting her thumb in her mouth. We'll see how that goes. She started sleeping completely through the night about a month ago, so that will make it easier going back to work! She usually is asleep about 9:30 at night until about 7:30 in the morning.
Last month was our big Daytona trip. I was extremely nervous, but the girls did GREAT for a 800 mile trip EACH way. We invested in a portable dvd player for Madelyn, so she watched that about half the time we were on the road. Madelyn was pretty apprehensive about the beach the first 2 days, but by the 3rd day she loved going in the ocean with Nana or Daddy (Mommy doesn't like the water much!!). We got down there and our camera wouldn't work, so I'm waiting to get some pics from Nana and Mimi so I can post them.
Much congratulations to my beautiful sister-in-law Amanda who got engaged a few weeks ago! We're super excited and can't wait for Houston to become part of the family.
This weekend should be a slow on in anticipation of the craziness next week.
Stay tuned for pics......
1 comment:
Hi Summer, Thanks for helping me sign in to your account. I shouldn't have any trouble next time. I did have to set up a Google account. Your babies are adorable and I have enjoyed keeping up with them through your blog. I look at Erin's a hundred times a day and I go to all of her friends almost every day too, but just once each day! I hope we get to see you next time we are in Memphis - that will probably be some time in September as Erin and Billy are coming here in August. Kiss those babies for me. Judy
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