FINALLY - UT Football :) YAY!! We all wore the proper attire today to celebrate the season opener.

This weekend was pretty close to perfect. Friday night we just hung out and got to see Aunt A. The girls were in bed by 8:00, and I watched a movie and relaxed. Saturday morning I just hung out with the girls, then at nap time I left to go look at wedding venues while Clitn stayed home with the girls. It was nice to have a few hours to hang out and not have to worry about the girls. When I got home, we put the girls to bed then Mom stayed over while Clint and I met his mom, dad, aunt and uncle in Tunica. I hadn't been to the casino in over 2 years, so it was something fun and different to do.
Sunday we got up and went to Clint's parents' house where we stayed all day. Clint played golf, while I just hung out. Sunday night was dinner at my aunt's house to celebrate my Grandad's 87th birthday. Madelyn had a ball playing with all her cousins!!
Today we laid low and did lots of things we had put off all weekend - namely cleaning and yard work. The Thornburgs came over tonight for dinner and some football. Here's a pic of Aubrey and Mason!

Well, back to work tomorrow. Madelyn goes back to school in the monring, so we're praying that goes well!!
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