Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Uh Oh

Well, anyone who knows Madelyn all ready knows how much she loves clothes and shoes, which I tell Clint will be expensive for us as she gets older! Tonight she climbed onto a kitchen chair while I was feeding Aubrey and said "I like sitting with you, Mommy" I told her the same and said I like to talk about girl stuff. And she said "Yeah, me too" So I told her I like girl clothes and she said "I like diamonds!!" What????

Oh, and a few weeks ago right when Clint woke up, Madelyn noticed that he sleeps in his boxers. She patted his leg very gently and said as seriously as possible, "You sleep in your bloomers Daddy?"

She's definitely all girl!


Amanda MAC. said...

WOW!!! I am shocked!!!! This is sooooooo funny!!! Tell sweet Madelyn that Aunt A is right next door to a Tiffanys and will bring her home a pretty blue box! This is sooooo funny Summer! Miss u and Love you!

Amanda MAC. said...

WOW!!! I am shocked!!!! This is sooooooo funny!!! Tell sweet Madelyn that Aunt A is right next door to a Tiffanys and will bring her home a pretty blue box! This is sooooo funny Summer! Miss u and Love you!