Well, not a whole lot has been going on with us lately. Aubrey seems to be feeling better. We go back to the ENT next week, so hopefully we'll get some good news! Madelyn has finally started showing some interest in potty training, which I'm really excited about!! The last 2 nights after I get home from work she has actually been wearing big girl panties, and has done all right. She had an accident tonight and didn't really know what to think about that!
Sunday night was our 5th annual Super Bowl party. We had a smaller crowd than usual, and it was a good time. Here are a couple of pics from the night.
The Thornburgs and Aubrey...

Mason - a.k.a. Aubrey's boyfriend :)

Madelyn and her 3d glasses...

My beautiful niece Izzy...

Our football cake....

Daddy and Madelyn

Aubrey LOVES playing with Madelyn's dollhouse

And here are some more random pics of the girls. This weekend is supposed to be really nice, so I"m thinking we may go to the zoo....

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