Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2009


OK, well the fever finally broke today so I'm well on my back to the land of the living. Time for a much needed update....

Since my last blog Mason turned one! We had a ball at his birthday party and were able to capture some cute pics....

Not much else has been going on. I tried to get some good pictures in the last week or so. The favorite time of day around our house is bathtime. Both girls LOVE it and it's a good start to our "winding down" time. Here's a typical bath around our house....

I think it's fair to say that Aubrey is now officially walking. Last week she just decided that she has the hang of it and now walks as often or more than she crawls. She can stand in the middle of the room and just take off. It's really funny to see because she is so small. Clint and his parents took the kids to the mall last night so I could rest and a woman at the play area was shocked Aubrey could walk. I think she thought she was like, 6 months old or something. You can't really get a picture of walking, but you get the idea....

Today was the big Easter celebration at church. They had Easter egg hunts, a petting zoo, train rides, puppet shows and crafts. I decided to go, but was worn out a few minutes into it. That may be why I dropped the camera on the gym floor and broke the lens. SOOOOO, not many good pics from the day.

Hopefully the camera will be fixed soon. This week is a busy one, so I'll try to blog often. Now where's that Chloraseptic spray?????


Amanda MAC. said...

I had no idea you were so sick! So happy I got to see you and the girls and bub last weekend. The pic of Aubrey in walking motion is adorable! So happy she is walking. I loved the bows in Madelyns hair! Precious! I will see yall this weekend...CANT WAIT!

Amanda said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I'll be praying for you this week...I know you'll be a busy busy bee. Tell Clint congrats on the medal! That is really awesome!