We haven't been up to a whole lot lately. After replacing the AC, we tried to keep a low profile (read - spend little money) and spent some time at home. Aubrey got a stomach virus that also caused white sores all over her throat, so we have been to the doctor in the last few weeks. She had lost over half a pound since our last visit, weighing in (fully clothed) at an even 18 pounds. She seems much better now and is changing every day. I don't think she has any clue that she isn't the same age as Madelyn, so she insists on doing "big girl" things such as eating with a fork, and drinking from a straw. She is learning new words every day and can now clearly say "Madelyn" which is precious! Just this morning at church her Sunday School teacher told me that when they tried to take away her Cheerios, she kept saying "More, more" and even said "Thank you" when they gave her more!
Madelyn has also made a lot of progress on the potty training front lately. Last weekend she stayed completely dry (except for naptime) on both Sunday and Monday. Then she went to the sitter and wet 4 pair of panties. But by Friday she pooped in the potty 2 times and peed at the sitter. She also says the funniest things. Last week after church she was telling us that she learned about Jonah and the whale. When we asked her where Jonah was she stated (just like, duh) "Jonah is in time out in the whale's belly". She noticed my tattoo and seems fascinated by it, although she hasn't Clint's which is 4 times as big and on his arm. She just rubs mine and giggles, "Mommy, someone colored numbers on your back. You're a grown-up so people can color on you" Funny!
Since I broke the camera lens, we've been really bad about taking pictures. Saturday morning the girls and I met Will and Reagan at the water park, as well as Izzy and Colton. I was able to steal the pics that Erin posted (thanks Erin!!)
Here are the kids settling for a little snack....

Erin and I then took the kids to Burger King for lunch and my girls were showing some love. I honestly think they grow closer every day! This was totally unprompted....
Will and Madelyn apparently were over the pictures!
We have a big week this week. It's month end so work will be crazy for me. Tuesday the kids are staying at Kelly's for the day, so we'll all stay there for dinner. My nephew Colton is having surgery Wednesday morning, so please pray for him. It's just a minor procedure, but any surgery is a lot for a 2 year old!! Friday night I'm taking Madelyn to see Bob the Builder at hte Orpheum, and Saturday we'll be back at Kelly's for Ben's birthday party. I can't believe he turned 9 last week!
Speaking of birthdays, Happy Birthday to my godson Miles! I can't believe you turned 4. Also, congrats to our friends wwho welcomes their first, James Michael, on Memorial Day. He is absolutely beautiful and we can't wait to go see him again!!
I'll try to take pics and post more coming up....