Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2009

All about Aubrey

I can not believe that my baby is 18 months old!! She is showing us more and more personality every day!

Aubrey talks a lot, just like her sister. She can name most animals, the sounds they make, point to different body parts (for some reason she has a hard time remembering where her ears are) and tries to count (although she just says "Five, six" over and over).

Her favorite things to say are
"I'm a mess" - Clint taught her that and it's pretty darn funny
"I want out" - she says that whether she wants down, out or up
"I love you"
"I want Mommy" - "I want Daddy"
"Where's Sissy?" This is usually the first thing she says every morning when she wakes up
"NO!!!" she usually screams this emphatically
"I'm stinky" - which she just told me, and she is!!

She usually goes to bed by 7:15 or so every night. The girls get out of the bathtub about 6:50, and after playing Aubrey will just walk up to me and say "Night night" and walk down the hallway to her bed. She doesn't care if we have people over or what we're doing - she likes her bedtime! She generally is up about 6:30 the next morning and we leave for PawPaw's.

She is obsessed with shoes! Shoe was her first word, and she always points out other people's shoes as well as shows hers off to anyone who will look. I put some boots on her this morning and she pointed them out to everyone at church - she was so proud. She has recently discovered socks and seems to love those too. Sometimes she cries at night because I tell her we can't wear shoes to bed. To that she responds "WHYYYYYYYY?"

Aubrey is a pretty good eater. She'll usually eat whatever we're having for dinner, but would probably live on fruit and fruit snacks if I would let her. She LOVES bananas, apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, blueberries, peaches, pears and any other fruit I can think of. She eats yogurt just about every day, and loves bread. Veggies she'll eat without question include corn, green beans, carrots, peas - and she LOVES any kind of beans. She's still little, but until her check-up later this week I won't know her stats.

My baby loves to dance, and shakes her booty any time she gets a chance. She doesn't let her big sister push her around, and is really starting to stand her ground. More often than not these days, it's Madelyn running to me complaining that her sister pushed her or won't share something.

Aubrey is such a loving and sweet baby. Everyone who has kept her in the nursery at church threatens to take her home with them and goes on and on about how sweet she is. She'll openly say "I love you" and gives kisses freely. She usually makes a fish face to kiss, but at least it cuts back on the slobber. She will also give hugs on command.

We've started weaning Aubrey off the paci, which she calls lala. She still has her bunny, Lolly, that goes wherever she goes. She has an Elmo blanket that her Nana made her that she sleeps with called bobo. So key things in her life are Lala, Lolly and Bobo :)

Aubrey and Madelyn are the best of friends. They cry when they're not together, and look for each other from the second they wake up. They definitely have their moments, but seems to have an unbreakable bond.

Aubrey, I never could have imagined that another baby girl could bring so much love to our lives.. We all love you so much, and couldn't imagine one minute without you!!


Laura Matthews said...

Sweet post - thanks for telling us more about your precious little girl!

Amanda MAC. said...

Sniff Sniff...what a precious angel Aubrey is. I hear they grow up waaaaaay tooo fast so enjoy every waking minute with these precious girls. Love you!

Amanda said...

We love her too! She couldn't be more adorable!!