Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Monday, August 16, 2010

Madelyn's 4th Birthday Party

I can't believe my baby girl turned 4 last month!!! She is growing into such a remarkable little girl. She's always laughing, and anyone who is around Madelyn cannot help but smile. She LOVES her sister, reading books, puzzles, and God. I honestly think that seh all ready knows more about the Bible than I do. She constantly is listening and absorbing the world around her. I thank God everyday for how BLESSED I am to be Madelyn's mommy!!

We had her birthday party at the Big Backyard at the Memphis Botanic Gardens. It was very hot, but had about 20 kids show up, and lots of family!!

The birthday girl.....

She wanted a purple butterfly cake, so this is what I made. I was pretty happy with how it turned out....

Aubrey thought she was just as big as Sissy!! I'm not sure she completely understood that it wasn't HER birthday!
I just think this picture is funny. Like I said, it was HOT
Aunt A....
Aubrey, Will and Reagan....
The spider web is one of Madelyn's favorite things there....

Mom's Wedding

As everyone who reads this is aware, Mom was married on July 24th :) Here are a few pics from the day. We had about 130 people show up, and everything was perfect!!

Here's Mom, Don and the Buchanan clan....

Buchanan and Martin families....

Mom and Don. She was such a beautiful bride!!

Groom's cake. Just FYI - I made the tuxedo strawberries....

My cousin Christy makes amazing cakes!!

Oreo balls (YUMMMMMM)

Mom and all her Grandkids.... LOVE this pic!

The blushing bride....

Clay, Colton, Bed, Don and his son Donny

It truly was a wonderfule day, and we're ALL so happy for Mom and Don :)

You make my Heart Happy.....

So last night I told Aubrey I love her. She stood there very thoughtfully and finally said, "ohhhhh. That makes my heart happy!" While she said that she was rubbing her belly, which is where she believes her heart is, I suppose. PRECIOUS! Moments like that make you realize that everything in the world is good!!

I promise to start posting more often. In fact, I have SEVERAL posts ready to publish....

Stay tuned

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Soccer Practice

Madelyn had her first soccer practice on Tuesday night. The kids all did better than I thought, and they had a blast! Madelyn did really well, but when someone kicked her ball she about broke down for 10 minutes or so. As her coach said, if she was that upset about it then she should protect the ball pretty well :) She LOVES to play gaolie, and was able to block most of the balls. She also was able to shoot 2 into the goal when someone else was at goalie.
I forgot to take my camera, but here are a few pics that a friend of mine took with her phone...

Tonight is their first night of gymnastics at River City. I'm pretty excited about it, and Aubrey can't stop tlaking about it.
I have a ton of pice from mom's wedding and Madelyn's birthday party to post. I've been working on downloading them to the new laptop, so I'll work on posting those tonight :)