Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mom's Wedding

As everyone who reads this is aware, Mom was married on July 24th :) Here are a few pics from the day. We had about 130 people show up, and everything was perfect!!

Here's Mom, Don and the Buchanan clan....

Buchanan and Martin families....

Mom and Don. She was such a beautiful bride!!

Groom's cake. Just FYI - I made the tuxedo strawberries....

My cousin Christy makes amazing cakes!!

Oreo balls (YUMMMMMM)

Mom and all her Grandkids.... LOVE this pic!

The blushing bride....

Clay, Colton, Bed, Don and his son Donny

It truly was a wonderfule day, and we're ALL so happy for Mom and Don :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Your mom and Don make a beautiful couple!