Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Williamson County Fair

We are getting close to my favorite time of year - fall!  I love everything about it: the excitement of football season starting,  cooler temperatures,  anything pumpkin, and the list goes on!  However,  the first sign of fall for me is the fair.

It's been a busy week with back to school,  the car breaking down and me having strep throat.  But there was nothing stopping us from going to the fair this year.   After Madelyn's practice last night we loaded into the truck and went for some rides and fair food :)

Luckily right when we got there we ran into Houston, Amanda and Hudson.  The kids had a blast riding and eating everything you can imagine from pizza, cotton candy, funnel cake and ice cream.

Right when we walked in, already excited! 
They eased into the rides, starting with the tug boat!
Waiting in line for the Pirate Ship.  On the ride Aubrey told Clint she wanted to throw up when they went up, but felt ok on the way down.
They love the farm exhibit 
This was right before we left, and it was late!!!
Another great year at the fair!

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