Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


TO MIMI AND UNCLE CLAY!! We love you both :)

On another note, it seems it's always something these days in the Buchanan house! Clint and his dad were able to get the kitchen sink fixed (Thanks Poppie!!). I've never been so happy to do dishes as I was last night!

Since we got home from Arkansas last week, Collin hasn't been wanting to eat. Clint and I didn't think too much about it, as when his hips are really hurting him he usually doesn't have much of an appetite. But it has been getting worse and worse each day. Last night I noticed that Collin wouldn't even drink any water. I got on the floor with him and was trying to look at his teeth to see if we had more dental issues. Everytime I tried to look, it was as if Collin physically couldn't open his mouth. HIs tongue was hanging out, and looked dried and shrivelly, and it looked as if his jaw was locked and he was biting his tongue. It terrified me.

This morning Collin wouldn't even hardly life his head to look at me, so I made an appointment for Clint to take him to the vet this morning. It turns out he has a rare auto immune disease (don't ask me to remember the name of it!!) It's causing his body to form antibodies that attack the muscle tissue in his brain and jaw. The vet said that they can give him a steroid that he takes 4 times a day that will help prevent future damage and help repair the damage that's been done. We're paying that the medicine helps!! We love our Coggy, as Madleyn calls him!

I'll post some Halloween pics by the end of the week!!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS SUMMER, Madelyn is getting so big! She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL--Im not biased or anything. I will be home next Friday, and CAN NOT WAIT!!!!! I want to see you guys so bad!!! I hope Collin gets to feeling better...Love you!

Amanda said...

Awww poor Collin! That's no good! I hope he feels better!