Well, I started slacking on the posts again. Things have been crazy busy around our house. I've been working on income tax issues for mom for a few weeks now, and I'm hoping to get it resolved soon!! This weekend was a fun one. Saturday evening we had my nephew Ben's birthday party at mom's house. Then yesterday we went to a swimming party for my god-son Miles, who is all ready turning 3!! Madelyn had a blast in the pool with Daddy. now we're just counting down until the beach! Only 4 more weeks!! Aunt A and Houston were in town this weekend. We love seeing them, but it always makes me sad when they leave! But, we'll get to see them again soon. Amanda took some cute pics, so hopefully she'll send them to me and I can post some.
I've been working hard to lose weight since Aubrey was born. Thanks to the yucchy pregnancy, I only gained 20 pounds, and have now lost 27 pounds!! I'm pumped about it and feel like I'm off to a great start! I can use all the encouragement I can get, as I'm hoping to lost a huge amount of weight!
Here are some recent pics of the girls. This was before church Sunday. I always seem to take pictures then because that's the only time I have them both dressed up...

Aubrey has been starting to be a lot more alert. She smiles a lot, but this is the closets thing we've gotten captured on film...

This is what she's doing as I write. actually since I took this 5 minutes ago, she's fallen asleep. We should have another fun week. Mom's out of school now, so she's coming over one day to play the Wii Fit with me. I'm totally hooked on it!! Saturday is a birthday party at the zoo, which Madelyn should love! Until next time....
Love it!! and good job on the weight loss!!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TO GO!!! You look great! WiiFit ALL THE WAY! Loved seeing you this weekend! Send pics soon!
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