That's the comment I'm hearing from Madelyn all the time now. She's starting to want to be held all the time, probably a bit of sibling jealousy. On this Mother's Day, I'm realizing that it won't be forever that she looks up to Mommy, who in her eyes at this age is the most important person in her life. So instead of getting irritated that I have to stop washing the dishes to pick her up, I realize that I should cherish every "Mommy, hold you me" that I hear. It honestly feels like yesterday that she was the size Aubrey is now, and it's unreal how in the blink of an eye she became our Little Girl from our Baby.
To the 2 women who are the most important in my life -
Mom, you're my best friend and I lean on you more than you'll ever know. I just hope I can teach my daughters a real love for Christ, and how to be a good friend and care for others, as much as you have taught me. You're my strength when I feel overwhelmed, and my confidant and friend. I love you!!
Gisele, I don't know how I have been so blessed with a mother-in-law that I adore so much. I have always felt as if you were my 2nd mom, and feel so blessed to be a part of your family every day. You help me out more than you know, by helping watch the girls, keeping me company while Clint is at work, and just being my close friend. I love you!!
I took Aubrey to church today for the first time. She was all dressed up and everyone oohed and ahhed over her...

I did Madelyn's hair in pigtails for church. It took me a few tries to get it right. Don't worry, she didn't leave the house with it looking like this....

To all you moms out there - Happy Mothers Day!! And to my 2 precious girls - you could never know how much joy you've brought to my life. I love you!!
Hey summer, thanks for the beautiful message. I have truly enjoyed every minute of watching you be a mom! Always know I love you and admire the way you do so many things. Always STOP washing those dishes and savor every hug you are given. Time goes by so very fast and you turn around and wonder where the days went. Thank God every day for the blessing of motherhood. It is priceless!
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