Aubrey had her surgery Friday to get the tubes put in her ears. She did really well with the surgery. She was only under anesthesia for about 15 minutes, and upon waking only cried for a few minutes. We were home by 8:30 in the morning, and had a fairly normal day.
Saturday we had our annual Christmas celebration with the Salvaggios and Thornburgs. It was crazy with 8 kids there! Emily made some yummy black bean chili, and we all visited. I was able to get a few pictures, but the kids were running around like crazy, so there aren't very many good ones.
Saturday night Mom came over for dinner and decided to spend the night. Aubrey has still had her cough, but when Mom was feeding her before bed we noticed she was wheezing pretty badly. You can hear a rattle in her chest, and she sounded like she was having a hard time breathing. She was pretty fussy and running about 101 fever. We both tried for hours to get her to sleep, but everytime she would fall asleep, she was coughing a few monutes later and woke herself up. She finally fell asleep in my bed after a combination of Vicks vapor rub, Tylenol and lots of snuggling. Mom and I worked in shifts with her until Clint got home at 3:30 am and took over.
Because we had such a bad night, Mom took Madelyn to church with her and spent the day with her so that Aubrey and I could try to get some rest this morning. We slept about all morning, and Aubrey would go back and forth between 102 temp and normal. I went to my cousin's birthday party at 3:30 to get Madelyn, and Aubrey hasn't run any fever since I've been home. She's actually in her bed right now, which she hasn't been in about 2 days. Clint will take her to the doctor tomorrow. I guess I was naive hoping that the tubes would be the magic we needed to keep Aubrey healthy.
Clint's off work all week after tomorrow night, and I only have tomorrow and a half day Tuesday. I'm hoping we can all get well enough to enjoy the holidays!!
Glad to hear the tubes are in and went well!! Hope she perks up soon!
Sorry everyone has been so sick! I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!!
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