Ok, so Aubrey has this lovey that we've named Lolly. This is her best friend, her sleep buddy, in desperate times, even her paci. I've tried giving her other loveys, as Lolly is all ready getting pretty ragged. But she wants nothing to do with any imitations. So I looked online thinking that I may buy some extras for Christmas, to avoid any Lolly disasters in the future. Apparently they've discontinued this certain lovey, so the only ones I could find were $40 and used!! Outrageous!!
This is what she's doing right now.....

Oh, and we went to the ENT. Aubrey's having tubes put in on December 19th. It's a pretty simple procedure, but it is considered outpatient surgery since she has to have anesthesia. So please pray for my baby......
1 comment:
I'll pray for sure! Connor had to have surgery on an inguinal hernia and it was pretty scary (I think it comes in number 2 as the most common after tubes for kiddos). He did great and I'm sure Aubrey will too. If you want to talk with Shawn about what they do and the anesthesia I'm sure he'd be happy to since he's seen it all done a bunch of time. :)
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