The newest addition to our family was born September 15th!!! Meet my perfect little nephew, Hudson. We went to Nashville last weekend for a quick trip tp meet this little guy, and I took my camera but forgot my memory card. So here are a few newborn pics.

We're leaving Friday to go to east Tennessee to visit Amanda, Houston and Hudson at their house. I'm super excited, as I haven't ever seen where they live, and I know that part of the state will be GORGEOUS this time of year! This time I'll remember my memory card and I'm sure I'll have TONS pf pics of the girls with their cousin.
Last weekend, Madelyn and Aubrey wanted to play with Hudson so bad! Madelyn kept asking Aunt A what Hudson was eating (she's nursing!!) and asked me last night if I have milk in my boobies! HILARIOUS!! She also asked me what I think Hudson will like to play witht his weekend, and asked how long it will take him to grow up. They are so excited to have a new playmate!
We love you, baby Hudson!!!
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