Family picture 2015

Family picture 2015

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Photographs, Bullying and Eardums

A couple of months ago I had the girls photographs done. I am THRILLED with the outcome and can't wait to get some frames so I can hang my new masterpieces!!

Here's a link to the photographer's blog...

If you ever think about hiring someone to do photos, we were very pleased with Cindy. She spent several hours outside in the heat and was extremely patient with my girls.

We've really been struggling with little Aubrey the last few weeks. I know, hard to believe that the little angelic face seen on the above link is capable of....... (sigh) hitting her friends at school. Every day last week Aubrey's report said that she was sent to time-out "several times" for hitting, pushing and pulling hair. At home, Aubrey has been crying and having fits, not to mention waking up 3-4 times a night. I don't remember Madelyn having these problems, but then again they are called the "terrible 2's" for a reason, right?

Saturday we were in Nashville and Aubrey woke up from her nap, after only an hour, crying. I got her out of bed and she was extremely clingy and whiny, which I figured was from her lack of good napping. About 10 minutes later, I noticed blood dripping from her right ear and rolling down her face. Now, Aubrey has always had ear infections, and has had tubes in both ears since she was about 6 months old. It's not uncommon to see "infection" draining from her ears, but I have never seen BLOOD.

I tried not to panic and got some cotton swabs to try to clean out the outer ear, then noticed her whole ear was FILLED with bright red blood. Clint's aunt convinced me that we needed to go to the clinic, and off we went. The doctor at the Nashville Walk-in-Clinic looked in her ear for only a minute before telling us that her eardrum had ruptured. Apparently she had such a bad infection in that ear that it kept pressing against the eardrum until it finally popped. Her ear was so filled with blood and infection that the doctor couldn't tell much, but gave us antibiotics, ear drops and told us to follow up with an ENT when we get home.

We went to the ENT yesterday, and he confirmed that her eardrum was in fact ruptured. The tube that had been in her right ear was stuck in her ear canal, covered in "gunk". I had to literally pin Aubrey down while the dr sucked out all the infection and dried blood from her inner ear and took the tube out. It was AWFUL. Poor little Aubrey just cried and kept screaming, "Mommy, you're done. I wanna go home!" He told us to continue toe meds and come back on the 8th. We're hopeful that the eardrum will heal on itself, but if not it may require surgery. I'm also thinking that all this may have contributed to Aubrey's terrible 2's. Since she's been on the meds, her attitude has improved dramatically, and she hasn't been to time out all week : )

So that's what life has been like just for the last 5 days!! The weeks before that included my stepfather being in ICU for 9 days, among other craziness. Thank the Lord that Don is doing better now, and I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers!!!

I'm looking forward to some down time...... (yeah right!!)

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